佳能PowerShot SX130 | 數碼相機評論 佳能SX130是一種流行的PowerShot SX系列的一部分,來作為SX120的繼任者是. Even this device will not fit into your pocket it is not ... 佳能SX130是一種流行的PowerShot SX系列的一部分,來作為SX120的繼任者是. 即使該設備將無法放入你的口袋裡,這是不是不 ...
Canon SX130 IS Review: Express Review - Digital Cameras, Digital Camera Reviews - The Imaging Resour Express Review of the Canon PowerShot SX130 IS digital camera, with actual sample images, and a detailed data sheet. ... At each setting, the image stabilization seemed to offer very good results, keeping snapshots crisp. As you'll see below, however, kee